
Tips About an Effective Web Page

The main purpose of making a web page is that the information we publish on the page is the main point that visitor will go. Related to that, the layout of our web page is very important. Choose the layout in such way that it pleases website owner and the visitors to stick on with it throughout the website.

Most visitors will do a skimming when they look at the website, rather than reading the whole article. Regarding to this, you need to be focusing on the headings and make them interested.

Here are some points you need to consider about making a web page layout.

  1. Put your logo and business name or title in your header area.
  2. Navigation should be easy. Put it where the visitor can find it easily.
  3. Display your contact info and your website detail at the bottom of the page.
  4. Write your content carefully. Content should be useful and inviting the visitor to come back again.
  5. Choose color ‘wisely’. Dark font and light background is best on my opinion.
  6. If you use picture on the page, make sure the file is small and loaded fast.
  7. Be wise if you want to use some animations, flash and sound effects because not all of your visitors need that.

Besides concentrating on your web page layout, Web Hosting is also an important factor. Choose the reliable web hosting which has a fast load speed and reliable uptime.