
Blogs That Inspired Me

templatepanic the blog which inspires as template designWhen I first made TemplatePanic, I was inspired by few other websites which also blog template provider. The concept is this. I made templates for wordpress blogs and blogspot blog and these templates will be for free downloads. I want to give out something really free and useful in order to gain traffic and people’s trust. There was a blog like this which inspires me, it was a personal blog from Indonesia. This person also gives out free blog template design for bloggers to use and apply to their blogs.

I was a graphic designer and I like graphic design. I began to create this website, and I dedicated this TemplatePanic blog for web development, blog template and other resource for graphig design and web design.

As time goes by, there are more similar blogs which inspires me to do more. One of them is wpdesigner. This blog inspired me so much and motivated me to learn CSS eventhough I didn’t understand at the beginning. The CSS he made was so clean and plain, yet it was systematic.

I was so sorry after finally he decided to sell his website by auction. The blog now is still active but the content is not as it used to be. Even though there is a post like best web hosting which is related to internet business and blogging, it is not talking about designing blog template anymore.