web hosting review 2012

Best Web Hosting This Month

webhosting promo 2012To find the best web hosting for your websites, the best references will be found online by searching websites that give ratings and reviews of web hosting companies. As a website keeper, choosing the right web hosting to work with is very crucial because the good service of web hosting will also help our business. That’s why we also give you the web hosting rating for this month. We hope this information can help you to consider which web hosting service you are going to choose.

The best hosting of this month according to TemplatePanic is bluehost. With only $3.95 a month (limited time promo only) it offers unlimited domain hosting and unlimited hosting space. The data transfer per month is also unlimited. Based on my experience using bluehost, this is the most tolerance web hosting compared to other same class web hosting package. Bluehost has been voted as the best web hosting for this month.

Following Bluehost, iPage is cheaper in price with only $3.50 per moth, and as I am writing this article, they have even cheaper promo with only $2.95 per month (limited time offer). I think this is an incredible offer which anyone who new in internet business should take. Beside that, there is no risk at all because they also offer anytime money back guarantee.

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