Business Products & Services

Why Your Business Needs Print Marketing

For business marketing purposes, digital and printing advertisements both play important roles. Through online and print ads, businesses reach more customers faster and more effectively than ever before. We know that when a consumer wants to find a particular product or service, they tend to search the Internet. But, print marketing is still important and a crucial element of a small business marketing campaign. Businesses that use printed material in addition to their online marketing promotions are known to have a larger loyal customer base to engage with.

Here is why your business needs print marketing to improve your overall marketing strategy.

Print reaches more audience
Studies show that print ads generally outperform email ads by 10 – 30 times. A poster or brochure, is straightforward, accessible, and easy to read. Your customers will know that your business are real and reputable, with physical address and a phone number. These brochures or other types of printed material will help them feel secure in their decision to buy from you.

Print is more engaging
In today’s digital world, people still want something tangible to touch. Printed materials force the consumer to engage with physical copy. When people get printed advertisements, they stand out and make a stronger impression. Well-designed brochures and business cards make your company look polished and professional. Printed marketing materials help your customers remember your business and return after a positive customer experience. Print guarantees memorable products. According to a Nielsen study, more than half of shoppers surveyed still used direct mail or newspaper advertising to make decision to buy a product.

By consistently displaying your logo, you convey that you are serious about your business, which builds brand awareness in your potential customers. Branding is essential for long-term business marketing. Printed publications and other branded materials is an excellent way to establish your brand. When given a choice between two similar products or services with the same price, more customers will choose the brand they familiar with. Print reinforces brand loyalty. A well designed business card is the first impression of your brand. Brochures and flyers should display your business information using the same brand theme. Bring the aesthetic qualities of font, colors, images and texture that helps to establish brand recognition. Providing promotions on printed materials is a good way to build loyalty in your customers. Get creative with your printed materials and help your customers feel valued.

Print generates more sales
Each advertising method has its unique benefits, but print materials still deliver the highest return on investment of all major marketing mediums.

Print promotions last longer
Social media and online advertising is fast-paced, meaning offers and marketing promotions can disappear quickly in your customer’s newsfeed. But brochures, posters and other types of printed materials are physical items. When customers read a printed material, they are more engaged for a longer period of time. They can stay in offices or homes for months or even years after they are received. Some customers need advice or information that can be read on a printed piece and reconsidered at a later time.

Every business needs basic promotional items to help communicate their products or services to potential customers. For effective marketing purposes, you need to define our brand and carry it through all your printed materials. If you’re a business and need new brochures, print ads, banners, or business cards, Print Wise Designs, located in Phoenix AZ is your go to professional printing service.