
Watch Out, The Cop is Here!

Is your staff work performance tend to decrease even you equip with newly upgraded computer in your company? Are you sure that all your staff use the facility maximize for work? Do you worry about your kids at home who use internet without being monitored?

In fact there are some software for security to limit your children for visiting ‘forbidden’ sites. Some also can use to monitor the activity of people who use computer. It can be used to monitor the staff’s computers in a company.

The software is called StaffCop. This software monitors remote computers by logging keystrokes, internet activities and other user activities.

Here are few of information that you can collect using this software.

Time tracking: review how your employees spend their working hours;
Application Tracking: know what programs they use;
Internet Monitoring: discover what web sites they visit;
Instant Messenger Monitoring: log and review MSN and AIM conversations;
Keylogger: register individual keys and keystrokes;
What’s On The Screen: capture and access their displays and review their work with periodic screenshots;
Spy software: get scheduled corporate security reports by e-mail.

Here are some reasons you might need this kind of software:
To discover how your employee spend their work time
To improve employee efficiency
Prevent information leaks
Improve discipline