
Style Design Header Image

templatepanic blog design - header image style design
Although it is not a new year there is always a good time to do update on your wardrobe. Updating your wardrobe means rearrange what you have. Evaluating what you own and think about whether they are still fit with today’s fashion style.

I asked few of my female friends about what they are going to wear if they have to get dressed in five minutes. The answers are basically the same. “I don’t know”. It is true that beautiful garment and clothes will bring beauty on women. Women need good and beautiful clothes to help them to feel beautiful.

Although updating your wardrobe also means buying new clothes, it is also important that you sort all your clothes. You should classify your clothes in different piles. Basically in my opinion there are three piles. You should have a pile of clothing you want to keep, clothing you want to throw away, and clothing you want to give away.

Inspired by these talks about fashion, I did a blogwalking and make a header image design. This is for those of you who own a blog about fashion or clothing. I named this Style design header image. I took an image of a cloth from a famous online store. The cloth name is Nanette Lepore sunny day dress. Please feel free to download it and use it as your blog header image.