Planning the Future from the Beginning

I graduate from architecture department, and now I work as a graphic designer. I do more web design and website template and themes for wordpress blog. There was no university here with that kind of major.

So many of my friend has a different career than what he studied in the university. Some of them are successful and some of them are not.

Now, graduate school admission essay is one of the most important factor materials which can predict your career in the future. When I was in school there was no such program like that. It is like an application paper which determines your future career.

It is the way to help you to find the answer of these questions:

Will the graduated program prepare me for the career I want? It is not comfortable being in the path of career that not satisfying.

Is my graduated program preparing me for a job I’m not sure I can land? Some students want to go out from the world of academia, and some just love to be there.

I just knew that I don’t like teaching. If you don’t like teaching, you might consider leaving your graduate program. Trying to look for other funding option will be the alternative. Perhaps a favorite professor is looking for a research or lab assistant, or maybe your department is home to an academic journal that needs graduate student assistants. These options can allow you to both further your career and keep your financial aid.

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