Laying access mats

Access mats refer to large pieces of plastic, steel, or wood set down on the ground to stabilize challenging terrains such as rocky slopes, creeks, soil, muskeg, and swamps for heavy equipment. Construction companies use access matting on maintenance and construction sites. Access mats are Installed overlapping or side-by-side in pad formations or roads where reliable access and stability of the ground is required. Moreover, access matting shields the earth from caving in contaminants and other damages left behind by rigs, equipment, and vehicles.

Construction projects often need reshaping rough terrain where no infrastructure exists. Gas and oil companies often require building pipelines through the wilderness far from highways or roads. The soils in such areas may be unstable for large machinery to work safely. Heavy equipment is thus at risk of getting stuck in the ground. Additionally, the tremendous pressure exerted by treads and wheels might cause significant damage to the ecosystems.

Safety and environmental protection are critical factors in access matting. Contractors must examine the ecological effects and the likely negative impacts that might be caused during the planning and executing of the project, more so in remote, Indigenous, and agricultural land settings. Protecting ecological areas like wetlands is one of a constructor’s most crucial responsibilities. That is why many developers opt for heavy-duty ground mats for sites where large equipment would damage fragile ecosystems.

Industrial mats, such as rig mats, laminate mats, and wood mats, create an effective barrier for protecting ground on sensitive terrains.

As far as safety is concerned, it would be best to consider how industrial matting may help you reduce the environmental impact of your power transmission following the pipeline, gas and oil, and other construction projects.

Although access mats are crucial for accessing sites with swamps, bogs, and wet areas, contractors must lay them correctly to reap the maximum benefit. Below are some tips on setting access matting.

  • Draw a plan: Before you start work, take time to develop a plan of how you will lay the mats on the site. Decide the most efficient paths for equipment to access and leave the job site-This will ensure that you do not purchase excess mats.
  • Choose the right products: As far as access mats are concerned, there are several options regarding construction and materials. For instance, you may not need much protection if your machinery has a relatively narrow footprint.
  • Ensure sufficient protection. During the setting up of the access mats, you should ensure that the mats cover the whole wetland area-This will offer enough protection to the area.
  • Arrange the mats properly: When providing temporary roadways, make sure you set the mats with each timber ends parallel to the traffic direction; This enables them to disperse the pressure better and safeguard the ground safely.
  • Use machinery to lay the mats: The use of track excavators and skid steers to put access mats eases the installation process. Usually, timber mats have lifting bolts on both ends to make the work easier.
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