Adding Widget to Your Website

adding widget to websiteThis is the era of user generated content. In term of search engine optimization, web 2.0 has many advantages compared to general static websites. It is okay if your website is a company profile type of website because you can still add a Forum widget to your company website. Adding a forum to a website can bring many advantages. Your website can grow fast and rich with content. Search engine wise, this is very good.

Besides adding a forum you can also let your visitor leave a comment on your certain article. Comments are also helping a site to improve traffic and search engine optimization. If you are also targeting for revenue like Google adsense or another affiliate ads program, letting your website grows by itself can be very advantageous. It will also possibly make your earning increase significantly. Adding a comment box also can help your visitor interact each other and gaining feedback.

A comment system can be added to your website by using a third party software like Pnyxe. They have a good comment system, Forum widget and other facility to improve your website. This company was founded in 2007 and they are continously developing their product so what they offer is certainly proven for many years. The usual static HTML website will be still okay but this is the time to migrate into web 2.0. It improves a lot in many areas.

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