
Making TemplatePanic a Web Design Blog

When I start building TemplatePanic blog, I had a big plan. I want TemplatePanic to be a “web design blog”: It is really not easy. I have to know what I have to do and what I have not to do. Learning is the best method to help me better.

A great home page is very important. Because this is usually the first thing that attract my visitors. I do not my visitor have to wait too long to open my website, so I make my blog design as simple as possible, but still attractive. The other important thing is I don’t want my visitor to be annoyed by useless information, so I use a simple 2 column layout, with main content in the left side and menu in the right side, and important menu in the top navigation. It is so easy to understand, it helps my reader to keep stay where they are and keep reading my site’s contents. I also use standard fonts that look better on most browser. I also make the font bigger and contrast with the background color.

I love to create a design that user friendly and easy to understand. For me, this is the easiest way to attract people to use my design.

Always thing what makes you better than your competitor, then your reader will choose you.