
Consider VPS Hosting

VPS hostingIf you are an online entrepreneur or maybe you are going to start a new online business, you should know that you will need to buy a web-hosting package for your website. The cheapest package usually web hosting companies offer is shared hosting. Shared hosting is the most common choice for the first timer. It can host many domains in one account with a very big space, sometime it can be said that it is unlimited space. But of course it is only for small sites that relatively less visitors. In fact, for a big company which owns a website with massive traffic, it would not be enough only using shared hosting. Big company with big website and bog traffic always use what is called Dedicated Server. One company one dedicated server hosting.

While dedicated server might be rather too expensive for a company that is still growing. In between shared hosting and dedicated server, there is what called VPS Hosting. VPS stands for Virtual Private Servers. It is not as expensive as a dedicated servers, but the client will have more control to the server than shared hosting.

Virtual private server hosting is like having a private server, but actually this is virtual. A single computer is partitioned and used to simulate multiple servers. This is suitable for small business that is planning to grow bigger because the performance overall is better than shared hosting. One more thing, virtual private server is also flexible to be expanded depend on the requirement.

Security wise, virtual server is also better compared to the shared one. When sharing a server, one account can risk of being entangled by damages caused by other member of the shared hosting. The effect that happens can be anything. It might slow down the entire server or swamped traffic, or even more, crashing problem that causes the server down. Virtual private server is a good alternative before stepping on Dedicated Server. Due to all the problems that might happen, Abdicar is one that I recommend because it’s fast, cheap, and just perfect for those of you who consider to start using VPS or dedicated server. Abdicar is not only the cheapest in Costa Rica, but it is also suitable for customer from everywhere around the globe.

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