Archives June 2006

Easy Steps To Install WordPress In Localhost

There are many ways to install WordPress in localhost/local computer, and upload to the remote server. Install WordPress to your localhost can be very useful if you want to edit the template.

# Download and install the “EasyPHP”: The package includes an Apache server, a MySQL database, a fully PHP execution, as well as easy development tools for your website.
# Download “MySQL Admin Tool”:
# Install to the root path of the EasyPHP or *C:\Program Files\EasyPHP1-8\mysql\MySQL Administrator 1.1*.
# Download “the newest version of WordPress”: Extract the *.zip file to C:\Program Files\EasyPHP1-8\www.
# Login to MySQL Administrator. The username is root, the password is blank, and the hostname is localhost. Click Catalogs. Right click on the box below the Schemata. Select Create New Schema. Type wordpress in the Schema name.
# Open C:\Program Files\EasyPHP1-8\www\wordpress-2.0.3\wp-config-sample.php. Make a little changes so it will become like this:

define(’DB_NAME’, ‘wordpress’);    // The name of the database
define(’DB_USER’, ‘root’);         // Your MySQL username
define(’DB_PASSWORD’, ‘’);         // …and password
define(’DB_HOST’, ‘localhost’);    // 99% chance you
won’t need to change this value

# Type http://localhost/wordpress-2.0.3/wp-admin/install.php in your browser. Follow the easy steps to install WordPress.

WordPress Plugin: WP-Simplecode

You can download this nice plugin from WP-Simplecode is a simple plugin for WordPress that takes standard HTML markup and processes it for use within code examples, inspired by Dan Cederholm’s SimpleCode script. The installation process and the use is very easy. Thanks to this plugin so we can now write code directly into the blog.

WordPress Plugin: Clean Archives Reloaded

If you don’t like the default archive page from WordPress, then use this plugin. Thanks to “”: who create Clean Archives Reloaded. It creates a pretty list of all of the posts that you’ve made to your blog. The unique fitur used is *Expand All Months* and *Return To Collapsed View*.

Get More Traffic, Get More AdSense Revenue

Making good posts with interesting title everyday. This will give your posts more chance appearing in the ‘most recent posts’ list, and get some traffic.

Submit your blog’s RSS feed to as many Blog Directories as you can. If you search Google for ‘RSS submission site’, the number one result as of right now lists off 55 directories that you can submit your feed to. With a Blogger blog, your RSS feed is always your blog url plus ‘/atom.xml’. For example, if your blog url is:, your RSS feed url is: This help attract the attention of the search engines as well as get your blog noticed by people who are searching for information and for content for their websites.

Trade links with related websites.

Posts good, quality comments to other blogs more often. Don’t just say ‘Yes, I agree’, but give your good opinion.